Τετάρτη 26 Μαρτίου 2014

Sounds of Birds

Go Birding Day

March 26th is dedicated to our feathery friends,the BIRDS!
If you're a fan of cheeping and flapping the following facts
might be interesting for you:

  • Birds have feathers, wings, lay eggs and are warm blooded.
  • There are around 10000 different species of birds worldwide.
  • The Ostrich is the largest bird in the world. 
  • It also lays the largest eggs and has the fastest maximum running speed (97 kph).
  • Scientists believe that birds evolved from theropod dinosaurs.
  • Birds have hollow bones which help them fly.
  • Some bird species are intelligent enough to create and use tools.
  • The chicken is the most common species of bird found in the world.
  • Kiwis are endangered, flightless birds that live in New Zealand. 
  • They lay the largest eggs relative to their body size of any bird in the world.
  • Hummingbirds can fly backwards.
  • The Bee Hummingbird is the smallest living bird in the world, with a length of just 5 cm (2 in).
  • Around 20% of bird species migrate long distances every year.
  • Homing pigeons are bred to find their way home from long distances away
  •  and have been used for thousands of years to carry messages.